How to find a list of all the numbers assigned to your Service Provider account

This article covers how to find a complete list of every DID assigned to your VoIPNow Service Provider account and where the DID's are assigned to.

In order to see what DID's you have, if they are free/not in use and where they are assigned follow the below steps:

  1. Login to your service provider account on the VoIPNow login page,

  2. On the left hand side of the screen you should be able to see 'Unified Communications', click on that.

  1. Once the next page loads there should be a button named 'Public Phone Numbers', click on that to load the list of DID's

  1. On the page that opens you can see every DID assigned to your account and where they are assigned to

    1. You may need to adjust the 'Number of entries per page:' option in the bottom right if you have a large number of DID's

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