How to add an Incoming Caller ID Prefix with an IVR
This article explains how to prefix an incoming call's Caller ID Name with the advanced extension "IVR".
This Caller ID prefix is only visible on extensions / phones / soft-phones within the VoIPNow system, calls transferred to external sources (e.g. Mobiles and other land lines) will not be able to see the Caller ID Prefix.
This article assumes you already know how to create an IVR.
To setup a incoming Caller ID Prefix follow the steps below:
Step 1 - In a IVR that you have already created navigate to the context where you would like the prefix to apply
i. If you want it to apply to all incoming calls regardless of department apply it to the "Start" option
ii. If you want a separate Caller ID prefix depending on the option/department set it on one of the "Number" options (e.g. 1, 2 or 3)
Step 2 - Once you have selected the option where you want to enable the Caller ID prefix you will need to add a new "Action". Under the "Add Action" section select the option "Alter CallerID Name with Static Value" from the action dropdown menu
i. If you already have a rule in the selected option make sure to change "Add in position" to "1"
Step 3 - Under the "Action Details" section select the variables and values you would like to use
i. Select either "Prepend", "Append" or "Replace" to specify where you would like the altered CallerID to be placed
"Prepend" - Place the CallerID Prefix before the incoming CallerID Number
"Append" - Place the CallerID Prefix after the incoming CallerID Number
"Replace" - Completely replace the CallerID with the Caller ID Prefix
ii. Enter the CallerID Prefix you want to be applied
Step 4 - Click "Ok" to apply the Prefix settings
You may need to click the "Regenerate IVR" button at the top of the window to make the changes go "Live"
Last updated