Configuring Fax to Email

Configuring Fax to Email within the Hosted Network VoIPNow Platform

This guide will quickly run you through how to enable Fax to Email within the Hosted Network VoIPNow platform.

VoIPNow will send all Fax to Email notifications to the email address configured within the User Account the extension resides within. You can confirm what is configured by navigating to the user account and clicking "Edit User", this will open the configured settings for that user.

NOTE: Fax to Email can only be configured on "Phone Terminal Extensions", all other types of extensions do not have the ability to do Fax to Email

Step 1. Login to the VoIPNow portal ( and navigate to the extension you want to enable Fax to Email on (If you don't have one simply create a new extension)

Step 2. Once you have navigated to the extension click on the button labelled "Phone Terminal Settings"

Step 3. On the page that appears locate the "Fax Center" section and tick the box next to "Enable Fax Center"

Step 4. In the field next to "Auto delete received faxes older than" specify the number of days the system should keep the faxes for

Step 5. Tick the radio button next to "Send fax by email" if you want to receive an email with the actual fax attached to it, otherwise tick the other radio button if you just want a notification that you've received a new fax

Step 6. Tick the box next to "Fax automatically answers after" and put 0 in the field to the right, this will make it so that the fax immediately answers the call

Step 7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Ok" to save the settings

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