How do I add/remove users from the GDMS Portal?

This article covers how partners can give additional users access to the GDMS to manage the phones and carry out troubleshooting


Due to how the Grandstream Device Management System (GDMS) permissions work you cannot directly add your own new users to the platform, this is something that Hosted Network will need to do on your behalf.

To request a new user to be given access to your GDMS account all you need to do is email support@hostednetwork with the details below:

  • User Full Name

  • User Email Address

Once that has been submitted and we have processed the request the user should receive an invite from the GDMS platform, all they need to do is open the link and enter their desired password to be given access to the platform.

To remove user access you just need to provide the above information and request us to remove their access.

If you encounter any issues with this guide or have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via email at or via phone on 1300 781 148.

Last updated