Configuring Charging Plans to add margin to outbound calls

This guide shows you how to configure your profit margins on outbound calls for SIP Trunks, VoIP Bundles and Multi-Tenant PBX.

Charging Plan Overview

In order to ensure your rebilling configured within the Partner Portal is providing the correct value you will need to configure the VoIPNow platform to add additional margin onto the outgoing calls at the user level as Partners don't have access to adjust the Organization level margin.

This guide is specifically for SIP Trunks and VoIP bundles, following this guide for Wholesale VoIP may not achieve the same results.

Configuration Steps

Changes are not retrospective and only affect new calls after the change has been made.

1. Log into our VoIPNow website at

2. Once logged in, (you may have to fill in some details if you have never logged in before) on your home page which may be different to this example, select the charging plans on the left.

3. Once in the Charging Plan Management section on this screen you can create/manage your Charging plans, select the Charging plan (Yours may be named differently).

4. Here you can edit your changing plan, for this example we will just be changing the margins, Look for the Segment called Fees.

5. This is where you change how much calls cost, in the picture we see that 1 x call cost + 0 is the default which means Calls are costing the normal rate.

· To charge an extra 30% it would change to 1.3 x call cost + 0

· To add a flat dollar charge to the call you would add the following 1 x call cost + 0.3 AUD/second, this is the cost of the call + 30 cents. As the picture below indicates the AUD/second isn't per second it charges according to whats in the Charging Segments. Which by default we change per 60 second (see picture below).

6. After making your changes scroll down to the bottom of the page and click OK.

The charging plan has now been updated and all outbound calls will have the configured margin applied

Changing the charge for outbound calls after the fact will not go back and change the charges for previous calls. Please keep this in mind when making changes to the charging plan

Changing the charge for outbound calls after the fact will not go back and change the charges for previous calls. Please keep this in mind when making changes to the charging plan

Changing the charging rate for specific destinations

In VoIPNow along with setting the outgoing charge rate, you can also specify a custom rate depending on a prefix under the "Charging Destinations" settings. To access this and configure a custom rate follow the steps below.

Step 1. Navigate to the charging plan you want to add the custom rate to

Step 2. To the right of the charging plan is a little icon of a flag with a dollar sign, click on this to open the charging destinations

Step 3. On the page that opens under the "Add Costs" field enter your custom rate based on the examples below.

Example 1 - Charging a flat rate of 2 cents per minute for mobile calls

Example 2 - Charging 20% extra on top of the HN call charges for Sydney based calls

For calls to 13/1300/1800 and International Calls you will need to change the prefix from "02" or "04" in the examples above to the correct prefix e.g 13/1300/1800 and 0011 for International Numbers

Step 4. Click "OK" to save your custom rate, this will immediately apply it to the Charging Plan

Step 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for as many custom rates as desired

Setting a new custom rate or adjusting an existing rate on an existing charging plan that is already in use will not retroactively change the previous call charges, it will only apply to calls made following the changes being made

Last updated