Activating Windows Servers
This article covers activating Windows Server on our vCloud platform.
Our KMS server will activate Windows Server versions 2012-2022.
As of April 2021, Hosted Network has decommissioned the Windows Server 2008 KMS Server due to this version of Windows having been marked End-of-Life in mid-January 2020.
As a result, we can no longer provide licensing for Windows Server 2008 and strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version.
To activate Windows Server, open a command prompt or Windows PowerShell as Administrator and enter one of the following commands:
Set the KMS server
Activate Windows
If successful you should get a message appear saying that it successfully activated, if you get any other message or error and it fails to activate please email with the error as either text or a screenshot.
These KMS Servers will only activate if the external IP is a Hosted Network IP address. If your external IP is different (routing through a VPN to another location) please contact for assistance
Last updated