How to register VOIPnow extension to NetComm device (NL1901ACV)
This article covers how to configure NetComm devices
To configure the NL1901ACV device with the Hosted Network VoIPNow platform you can follow the steps below
Important Notes / Requirements
Extension credentials - xxxx*xxx
Extension password - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SIP registrar -
1.Login to NetComm device
2. Navigate to "Voice" >>> "SIP Basic Setting"
3. Under "SIP Basic Setting" you need to configure the below parameters
Enable the "Use SIP Registrar"
SIP Registrar -
Authentication name - Extension credentials (xxxx*xxx)
Password - Extension password (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Cid Name - Extension credentials (xxxx*xxx)
Cid Number - Extension credentials (xxxx*xxx)
If you need to register another extension, all you have to do is repeat the above configuration using the "SIP Registrar2"
For you to verify if the extension is registered. Navigate to "VoIP Status" and you will see the registration status is Up
Congratulations you have successfully registered your VOIPnow extension using NetComm Device
Last updated