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Once you've received your Wholesale VoIP Reseller account or a Wholesale VoIP Trial you will need to complete some items first before you can actually start registering extensions and testing call flows.
The things you need to complete (In order) are:
Create an Organization Charging Plan
Create an Organization for your customer
Create a User Charging Plan
Create a User
Create your extesnions
Carrying out the steps above helps to streamline things and avoid potential issues throughout the process. Skipping the Charging Plan steps may result in calls failing to route inbound and outbound from the system.
This article does not cover the set up of inbound call flows, for that we recommend booking in a training session with our Partner Support Manager
The VoIPNow system allows you to add your margin to outbound calls through two different areas, at the Organization level (a blanket margin across the whole organization) or at the User level (allows you to specify a different margin for different users if desired).
This step covers off how to configure an Organization Charging Plan within your Wholesale VoIP account.
Step 1 - Whilst logged into the VoIPNow portal with your Wholesale VoIP Account, click on "Charging Plans" in the menu along the left side of the page
Step 2 - Click "Add a Charging Plan" to add a new Charging Plan
Step 3 - Fill in the fields according to the below, leave anything not mentioned as is
Name: Give this a name that allows you to easily identify it
Allow extended local calls to extensions: Enable this option
Limit calls to public network to minutes: Set this to '999999'
After the first segment charge every: Set this to '60'
After the first segment charge every: Set this to '60'
Charging method: Set this to 'Relative to call cost'
Charge incoming calls: Set this to read as '1 x call cost + 0 AUD/Second'
Charge outgoing calls: Set this to read as '1 x call cost + 0 AUD/Second' (adjust the 1 x call cost section to be however much you want to add on top, e.g. 10% is 1.1 x)
Charge local calls to extensions: Set this to read as '1 x call cost + 0 AUD/Second'
Charge extended local calls to extensions: Set this to read as '1 x call cost + 0 AUD/Second'
Step 4 - Click "OK" at the bottom of the page to save the settings
You have now created your Organization charging plan, by default the first plan you create will be the default across all of your VoIP Organizations but you can change this later if you'd like.
Repeat the above steps for any other Charging Plans you'd like to setup
Now that your Charging Plans have been created we can proceed with creating a VoIP Organization for your end-customer, this will house all their DIDs, Extensions and call flow for them.
Step 1 - Click on "Organizations" in the menu along the left side of the page to go back to the Organizations view
Step 2 - Click on the "Add Organization" button to start the process of adding a new organization
Step 3 - Fill in the required details for your customer, NOTE: The email address does not need to be a valid address. Once everything is filled in click on "OK" at the bottom to proceed
Step 4 - You can leave everything as is on the next page if you don't intend on giving the customer access to this. At the bottom of the page will be a section to assign DIDs if you have any spare ones available. Click "OK" to continue
Your VoIP Organization has now been created, and you should be able to see it in the table on the Organizations page now.
Now that we have our Organization Charging Plan and our Organization setup we need to set up a User Charging Plan. This is necissary as even if you don't want to do a different amount of margin for calls per user it still needs to exist.
This guide will provide some basic steps on configuring a Charging Plan that just passed through what you've configured in the Organization Charging Plan.
Step 1 - Click on "Organizations" in the menu along the left side of the page
Step 2 - Click on the name of the Organization you want to set up the User Charing Plan for
Step 3 - Click on "Charging Plans" under the "Quick Links" section of the page that loads
Step 4 - Click "Add a Charging Plan" to add a new Charging Plan
Step 5 - Fill in the fields according to the below, leave anything not mentioned as is
Name: Set this to 'User Level Charging Plan'
Allow extended local calls to extensions: Enable this option
Limit calls to public network to minutes: Set this to '999999'
After the first segment charge every: Set this to '60'
After the first segment charge every: Set this to '60'
Charging method: Set this to 'Relative to call cost'
Charge incoming calls: Set this to read as '1 x call cost + 0 AUD/Second'
Charge outgoing calls: Set this to read as '1 x call cost + 0 AUD/Second'
Charge local calls to extensions: Set this to read as '1 x call cost + 0 AUD/Second'
Charge extended local calls to extensions: Set this to read as '1 x call cost + 0 AUD/Second'
Step 4 - Click "OK" at the bottom of the page to save the settings
You have now created your User Charging Plan and you can proceed to create a new user and setup an extension.
Now that we have all our Charging Plans setup and our Organization configured we can start configuring User accounts, these will house our extensions (both advanced and standard).
For ease of management and to mitigate some minor issues in future we recommend doing the below:
Setup a User account per Phone Terminal extension, this is due to some user settings (e.g. Email) that apply to all extensions under that User account
Setup a "Call Handling" user and add all inbound call routing extensions under there (e.g. Queue, Hunt Group, IVR, etc) for ease of management
Step 1 - Click on "Organizations" in the menu along the left side of the page
Step 2 - Click on the name of the Organization you want to set up Users under
Step 3 - Click on "Add User" under the "Quick Links" section
Step 4 - Fill in the details of the user that will be using the extension. Click "Ok" at the bottom of the page to save the user
Step 5 - On the next page leave everything as is unless you plan on giving the end-user access to their account. You can assign DIDs at the bottom if there are any free ones available. Click "OK" at the bottom to create the user
Repeat the above steps as many times as needed to create all the users that will have Phone Terminal Extensions on the system. Once this is done you can proceed with setting up the extensions.
Now that the user accounts are created you can create your extensions, then register them on a phone and start making calls from the system.
Step 1 - Click on "Organizations" in the menu along the left side of the page
Step 2 - Click on the name of the Organization you want to add an extension to
Step 3 - Click on the name of the User you want to add an Extension to
Step 4 - Click on "Add Extension" under "Quick Links" at the top
Step 5 - Fill in the fields according to the below
Number: this will be the extension number used to dial the extension from another phone in the system
Label: This is what appears when this extension tries calling another phone in the organization
Autogenerate phone password: Untick this, we will need to manually set the password so you can add it into a SIP phone
Phone password: enter a secure password, we recommend randomly generating one
Confirm phone password: re-enter the secure password
Step 6 - Allocate a DID if one is available, click "OK" once ready
Step 7 - On this page you can make changes as necessary, below are some things you may want to change:
CallerID number in public calls: If you have no DID directly attached to the extension change this to "set by user" and specify a DID to use as the outgoing CallerID
Preserve original CallerID on transferred calls: Enable this to avoid names being replaced when transferring calls
Step 8 - Click "OK" at the bottom of the page to finish creating the extension
You have now created an extension, using the xxxx*xxx ID found on the extensions details page and the password you specified you can register the Extension on a SIP phone.
If you encounter any issues with this guide or have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via email at or via phone on 1300 781 148.
When adding the extension to a phone you will need to get the "Phone Terminal Login" from the extension. To find this open the extension within the control panel. There will be a section in here called "Extension Overview" which gives a quick view of all the information regarding the extension. The "Phone Terminal Login" is in the second line under the overview, it will generally look like this: xxxx*<extension> (e.g. 0272*101). This is the username of the extension.
On the same page as above, you can also manage the "Incoming Call Rules" which allow you to do things like play your busy message, automatically transfer the call to another extension or number, automatically send calls to your voicemail if they match a certain number, etc.
Refer to this KB on how to setup custom rates for different destinations within the charging plan:
This guide runs through getting started with your Wholesale VoIP Reseller Account