Getting Started
This article covers the process of adding a Cloud Service Provider to your Veeam Backup and Replication environment.
Last updated
This article covers the process of adding a Cloud Service Provider to your Veeam Backup and Replication environment.
Last updated
Backup as a Service requires Veeam Backup and Replication version 12 or higher
To launch the Service Provider wizard, open the Veeam Backup and Replication Console and do one of the following:
Open the Backup Infrastructure view, select the Service Providers node in the navigation tree and click Add Provider from the ribbon.
Open the Backup Infrastructure view, right-click the Service Providers node in the navigation tree and select Add Service Provider.
Open the Backup Infrastructure view. Select the Service Providers node in the navigation pane, right click in the working area and click Add Service Provider
At the Service Provider step of the wizard, specify settings for the cloud gateway:
Specify the DNS name or IP address field: enter
In the Description field, provide a description (eg. Hosted Network Cloud)
In the Port field, leave the default of 6180
At the top of the wizard window, Veeam Backup & Replication displays information about the SSL certificate obtained from Hosted Network. You can view the certificate settings and verify the SSL certificate. To view the SSL certificate, click the certificate link.
From the Credentials list, select credentials for the tenant account that Hosted Network has provided to you. If you have not set up credentials beforehand, click Add on the right to add necessary credentials.
At the Resources step of the wizard, Veeam Backup & Replication will automatically enumerate resources provided to the tenant on the cloud repository and display the results in the wizard window.
Enumeration of storage resources on the cloud repository may take some time.
Wait for the processing to complete and verify the storage quantity matches your order
Click Apply
At the Apply step of the wizard, Veeam Backup & Replication will save information about resources available from Hosted Network. Wait for the required operations to complete and click Next to continue.
At the Summary step of the wizard, complete the procedure of SP adding.
Review the configuration information on the added SP.
Click Finish to exit the wizard.
A brief rescan job will run on the service provider. Click Close when complete.
Now that you've setup Hosted Network as a service provider, you'll be able to select Cloud Connect as a target during creation of a replication job.