Uploading ISO files or OVA/OVF templates


This guide covers how to upload an ISO file or an OVA/OVF file to an existing Catalog within your vCloud Director organization.

Go to this guide on how to create a Catalog if you don't have one already: LINK

NOTE: Uploading ISOs or OVA/OVF templates consumes storage, it will fail if you don't have enough free storage

Uploading an ISO to an existing Catalog

  1. Login to your vCloud Director Web Interface, this URL will look similar to "https://vdc.syd.mhn.net.au/tenant/HN-Demo". If you are unsure what your URL is or what your login details are please reach out to our support team.

  2. Click on the "Libraries" tab at the top of the web page

  3. Click on "Media & Other" from the menu on the left

  4. Click on the "ADD" button above the table of files

  5. In the pop-up window select the Catalog you want the file to go into, click the up arrow to select the ISO you want to upload. If you want to change the name edit the "Name" field prior to clicking "Ok" to upload the file

Uploading an OVA/OVF Template to an existing Catalog

  1. Login to your vCloud Director Web Interface, this URL will look similar to "https://vdc.syd.mhn.net.au/tenant/HN-Demo". If you are unsure what your URL is or what your login details are please reach out to our support team.

  2. Click on the "Libraries" tab at the top of the web page

  3. Click on "vApp Templates" in the menu along the left side of the page

  4. Click on "NEW" at the top of the page above the table of templates

  5. Either provide a URL for the OVA/OVF template or click the up arrow to upload a file from your local computer. Then click "Next" to continue

  6. On the "Review Details" page check the details of the OVA/OVF template, if everything is correct click "NEXT" to continue

  7. On the next page enter the "NAME" (by default it per-populates it with the name of the file), you can also give it a description and select the catalog you want it to go into. Click "NEXT" to continue

  8. Click "FINISH" to begin uploading the OVA/OVF file to the catalog

Last updated